Here we all are, members of the big family of cats. News, at last, from the Feline World. So, even, if it may sound ridicular, my name is Cat, Tom Cat. I'm the good-looking guy, second to the right. To my right side, that's left from your side of the screen, of course, there's my beloved wife, Caterina Black. And the bigger one of the kids is Felix, the smaller one Kitty.

Our adventures are due to be set into Cyberspace by my good old friend Herb Severing, who has got a close watch on what's happening around here. We live happily together in Felisville, our hometown, somewhere, way out. 

Preparations for Christmas...

Now that Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is rushing nearer and nearer, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Even in our Felisville community, there's a lot of things that don't allow any hesitation: decorating the town, the shops and the house, baking the finest cookies, cakes, and tarts you'll ever see, thinking about all kinds of presents and ways of how to get them.

And then there's the great day - presents everywhere, joy and peace in our town, while preparing for 1998, the New Year  bound for even more prosperity to our community and a lot of hustle... 

Winter's hardship is hard to bear, sometimes...

Christmas just gone by, the new year just begun, the weather is turning to the colder side. Snow, rain, icy rain at last. The whole feline community is struck by nature's bad mood. All cats cling to their homes and stay behind stoves or beside heaters. And, power lines broken down, it's getting colder. Fridges and freezers out of work, our Black-Cat family is worried.

Kitty, the little one, finally has a brilliant idea. All sorts of edibles are being stored outside, so that the goodies will be kept fresh for a long time... 

Spring is almost here...

While winter's strength is weakening day by day, days grow longer, nights turn out to be less long, outdoor duties are starting all over again. Gardening is regaining importance. It's takes quite some time from snowdrops to daffodils, but our cats enjoy life during this period of environmental awakening.

Kitty's waiting impatiently for Easter. She wants to watch the Easter Bunny this time. Her brother Felix distrusts the legend, is eager to go for an egg hunt again, though. Mood's rising everywhere when spring is on its way... 

Spring is here to stay...

Easter and Easter Bunny turned out to be as nice as always. The kids are lighthearted, willing to help their parents with their work in the greenhouse and in the garden...

Summer at last...

Happy days are here again. School is out for summer. Kitty and Felix are eager to go on vacation, somewhere way down south, where there are blue skies every day. No duties, just dozing in the warmth of the sun. The sea looks great, but a cat is not anxious to go swimming in the waters blue. During this time of year, our cats can't imagine those lazy, crazy days of summer ever coming to an end.

Back home in Felisville, there is a terrible drought, meaning shortage of water for some weeks. Even in September it's still pretty hot around the feline grounds... 

Fall's turning foliage...

into a festival of colors, from red to brown and yellow. Leaves start falling down, whiles others are tumbling in the autumnal air, driven by moody winds. All the cats in Felisville realize winter not being so far off. As days turn shorter, and nights grow longer, nature seems to achieve sort of a ghoulish perspective, now and then. And it's not so long until it's time for All Saints' Eve, Halloween.

Felix and Kitty go out into the woods and get nasty sticks and twigs, they look for pumpkins in the fields, which are useful for all kinds of things. They serve as scarecrows' heads, as lanterns, after awful looking holes have been cut out to let them look like beings from another world 'way beyond all cats' knowledge. The children like to go around in the evening, and get back with loads of sweets, most of them real weird in shape. Some are made of chocolate, looking like ghosts, other are pumpkin-shaped, orange-colored, and are tasting awful sweet.

Opening the Holiday Season

After Halloween, nature's obviously come to a rest. Thanksgiving is lying ahead. Time for a great family gettogether, the prospect of eating as much as you could, that's simply great. Considering this, even the sometimes frightening prospects of meeting all those relations from different places, of different ages, is becoming a lot more bearable.

And true enough, our cats gladly welcome their aunts and uncles, their grandparents, and a whole bunch of cousins. Many of them brought delicious things they had prepared back home for the occasion.

There's just one connection to us from the Human world, and that is

Why not visit our Irish relatives on the occasion of St. Patrick's Day? Everything is seen in green, as you may know...

Revised on March 31, 2002

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